
Wisdom Teeth Removal in Stoney Creek


Wisdom teeth are the four molars in the farthest corners of your mouth that tend to emerge in your early adult years. If the mouth has enough room, and the wisdom teeth won’t cause issues to adjacent teeth, the teeth can stay. However, for most people, if their wisdom teeth are not removed, they can cause pain and serious complications, so the majority of people need their wisdom teeth removed. If you are in the Stoney Creek area, trust the dentists at Gateshead Dental for a safe wisdom teeth removal procedure.


Generally, the wisdom teeth extraction process involves numbing each extraction site with a local anesthetic and pulling the wisdom tooth. If the teeth are only partially grown in or haven’t grown in at all, surgery is required to cut open the gums and remove the tooth, at which point stitches will be placed. Cotton gauze is then placed over the site to help stop the bleeding after the surgery.

Wisdom Teeth


The healing time for this tooth extraction procedure is approximately 10 days, but the recovery time varies depending on the individual. To avoid disrupting the process, patients should not consume hot drinks or soups, consume hard foods, or drink through straws. Those foods and activities can dislodge the blood clot that has formed in the socket where the tooth used to be. The loss of this blood clot is known as dry socket. You will be given full instructions on how to care for your mouth after your wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Patients usually feel pain for several days after the surgery, which should gradually improve. To relieve pain and swelling in the mouth, especially around the extraction sites, during the healing process, patients can ice each side of the face for 10 minutes at a time. Pain medications can also be taken. If you have severe pain or swelling that does not start to ease after a few days, contact your dentist.

To learn more about this procedure or any of the other dental services we offer in our Stoney Creek clinic, contact our team at Gateshead Dental. We are always happy to answer your questions and alleviate your concerns.


Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that is undertaken for various reasons. There are several complications that are associated with wisdom teeth that are not removed. Some of these complications include:

  • A lack of space in the mouth to accommodate the teeth, so the wisdom teeth cannot erupt fully
  • Wisdom tooth misalignment, where the wisdom teeth are growing in at awkward angles, and even sideways, at times poking into the cheeks or causing constant biting into the cheeks)
  • Impacted teeth, where the wisdom teeth will grow into the surrounding teeth, causing painful pressure and causing the other molars, and even other teeth, to shift out of alignment
  • A presence of gum flaps covering the wisdom teeth, because they have only partly broken through the gums. These gum flaps can trap food and bacteria between the gum and tooth
  • Increased likelihoods of swelling and tooth decay since it is more difficult to clean the wisdom and adjacent teeth properly

If you think your wisdom teeth may be starting to erupt, especially if they are starting to cause pain, schedule an Appointment today for your wisdom tooth removal in Stoney Creek! Our dentist is experienced in wisdom teeth removal and will care for you completely. Opt for a safe wisdom tooth extraction procedure at our Stoney Creek office with Gateshead Dental.